Privacy Policy

Personal Information
Personal information is, in short, information that can be linked to you as an individual. This can be your name, phone number, address, but it can also be things like IP addresses, a behavioural pattern, or an assessment/profiling from a dataset. We need some of your personal information to best respond to your inquiry and provide you with the correct information.

All use of personal information is considered processing. This can, for example, be collection, registration, compilation, storage, and delivery or a combination of these.

Solideq is responsible for the processing of personal data that is processed in connection with the use of our services and in customer relationships. The fact that Solideq is responsible for the processing means that we have the responsibility and obligations we must follow in accordance with the privacy regulation.

We care about you understanding how we handle data about you, and in this privacy policy, we explain what data we collect, how we do it, and what we use it for.

Inquiries and Customer Follow-up
To follow up with you as a customer, we need some information to reach you. This information is obtained via email, phone, or those you fill in the contact form on our website. You choose if you want to be contacted via email or phone by filling in the respective field. Your personal information will not be used for any other purpose than to respond to your inquiry and possibly add you as a customer. If your inquiry is answered and it does not lead to anything further, we will delete your email after a maximum of one month.

About Cookies
When you visit our website, we register various types of information about you as a user with a “cookie”. A cookie is, in short, a small file that is stored locally in your browser. A cookie cannot perform actions, control things, or be harmful/contain viruses.

What Information is Registered About You as a User
When you visit Solideq online, we register various types of information about you as a user:

  • Your location, using a section of your IP address, location data, or similar
  • Your web behaviour, such as which pages you visit on our website, how often, and what you do on the different pages
  • Technical information about your browser and operating system

All information is automatically anonymised and will not be used by us or any third party to identify you as a person. The information will also not be used for marketing purposes, only for analytical purposes.

How We Collect and Store Information About You
Information about you as a user is captured and stored using cookies and in some cases a part of your IP address, which is anonymised and inaccessible to us and third parties.

All data traffic between your browser and our servers is encrypted and stored with our strict data security requirements. The same applies to all traffic to third parties, which will be Google Analytics and HotJar.

Purpose and How We Use Data Collected on the Website
Data about your web behaviour is used for several different purposes:

Cookies for Analytical Purposes


  • Owner: Google
  • Expires: The cookie itself expires after two years, but anonymised user and event data are deleted in Google Analytics after 14 months from the date the data was registered
  • Purpose: This cookie is used in much the same way as _gat_gtag_UA…, but it collects general information about your user behaviour on the website; what you click on, how long you are on different pages, and if you use the request or contact form. We collect this information to see how the website is perceived by users and to improve functionality and content. The information is completely anonymous and cannot be linked to a person. User and event data associated with cookies, user identifiers, or advertising identifiers are stored in Google Analytics.


  • Owner: Google
  • Expires: After 24 hours
  • Purpose: The purpose of this cookie is the same as _ga, but the specific function of this cookie is to distinguish between users of the website. It does so by using a part of your IP address, and it also finds your approximate location based on this part of the IP address. The location data is not more accurate than the municipality or city and cannot be linked to a person. The part of your IP address that is anonymised for both us and Google, so we will never see this in the analytics tool.

Cookies for Functional Purposes


  • Owner: Solideq
  • Expires: After the end of the session (when you go to another page or close the browser)
  • Purpose: This cookie is related to information about cookies and does not store any form of user information.

Blocking or Deleting Cookies
You can block cookies and delete registered cookies in your browser if you wish. However, we point out that this may prevent some of the website’s functions from working, especially the “cookie-consent” cookie. has a nice and simple guide on how to manage cookies in different browsers:

Deletion of Personal Information from Customer Relationships
When you no longer have agreements or inquiries with us, we will still take care of your personal information and relevant information from your customer relationship. This information is deleted from our systems when other legislation related to financing that requires storage and/or archiving ceases. Information from customer relationships is not deleted if the discovery of a criminal act or legal dispute is ongoing.

Right to Access Information
If you are a customer with us or have been in contact with us, you have the right to access our processing of your information. The first thing you need to do is contact us so we can help you further.

Access to Our Storage of Customer Information
You can request access to what information we process about you and what security measures we have regarding the use of your information.

Suspicion of Unauthorised Access
You should consult one of our customer contacts if you suspect there has been unauthorised access by one of our employees. The customer contact will assist you in ordering a report. If it is discovered that your suspicion is justified, you will be notified. You will receive information that the matter is being handled and that it will be reported to the Swedish Data Protection Authority.

We respond to all requests for access as quickly as possible and no later than within 30 days. Some cases may take a long time; if this happens, we will notify you and keep you updated along the way.